100 Smart Cards Arizona ARI24LC02
Smart Cards Arizona ARI24LC02 at a Top Price
Chip card / smart card ARI24LC02 for card printer at top price ✔ Card colour white ✔ Size 85 mm x 54 mm x 0.8 mm ✔ Top prices ✔ Blank cards ✔ Fast delivery ✔ Large selection ✔
Titel: Arizona ARI24LC02
Smart Card
PU: 100 cards
256 byte
Format: ca. 85,72 x 54,03 x 0,80mm
Perfect for all colored prints
Premium quality
Both sides white
Size and quality like Creditcards
Perfect Edges
Color-fast and durable
Titel: Arizona ARI24LC02
Smart Card
PU: 100 cards
256 byte
Format: ca. 85,72 x 54,03 x 0,80mm
Perfect for all colored prints
Premium quality
Both sides white
Size and quality like Creditcards
Perfect Edges
Color-fast and durable
Contact-based smart cards are a relatively secure and proven method of storing data. A microprocessor in chip form is integrated in the cards. Compared to the magnetic stripe, this chip has more than 100 times the storage capacity and, unlike RFID cards, the data is not read via magnetic waves.
The data encoded on contact-based chip cards can only be read and encoded with technical aids (readers). The methods used for encoding vary in design, complexity, speed and storage volume depending on the type of chip card.
The data encoded on contact-based chip cards can only be read and encoded with technical aids (readers). The methods used for encoding vary in design, complexity, speed and storage volume depending on the type of chip card.
Use of the plastic cards
Our Smart Cards Arizona ARI24LC02 can be printed either with a special card printer or we can print them for you. Alternatively, you can write on all our plastic cards yourself with a permanent pen. Golden plastic cards can only be printed in one colour with black, white, silver, blue or red. A colourful print (CMYK) is not possible.
MPN: ARI24LC02-1